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BOS Minutes August 30, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 30, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM

SUBJECT:  Mr. Charles Scheys

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Scheys met with the Board of Selectmen to voice his interest in becoming a member of the Budget Committee.  He told the Board that he lived in Chichester since 2001 and until recently did not have the time to participate in Town Government.  He said he was happy with the way the Town was run and had no agenda, except to give back to the community.  Chairman DeBold told Mr. Scheys that there are several openings in the Town.  There are two vacancies on the Budget Committee, one vacancy on the Trustee of Trusts Funds and that the Fire Department was putting together a sub-committee to do a study to see if there was a need for a full-time Fire Fighter/EMT.  Chairman DeBold told Mr. Scheys that the Budget Committee meets about five to six times a year and the members serve as an advisory committee.  Selectman Colbert explained to Mr. Scheys the responsibilities of the Trustees of Trust Fund; he told him that currently the two members meet once month and post interest to accounts that they are in charge of, i.e. capital reserve funds and cemetery funds.  Selectman MacCleery explained the subcommittee for the Fire Department.  He said there would be more meetings, perhaps two a month, but the commitment level will be for a shorter period of time.  Selectman MacCleery stated he was a member of the committee, but the committee has not been formed as of this day.  He said Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio does not want to have just members of the fire department on the committee, that he wanted residents of the Town to be a part of the study.  So far, Mr. Paveglio has not received any feed back from residents.

Mr. Scheys said that he might be interested in the Trustees of Trust Funds.  He asked Patty if she would forward his number to Andrea Deachman and have her call when they are having their next meeting.   He said he would like to sit in on their next meeting to see if he would be interested.  Patty told Mr. Scheys that the position on the Trustee of Trust Funds was an elected official.  She told him that he would be appointed by the Selectmen to finish up the year, but in March he would have to “run” for the position.

SUBJECT: Mr. Brandon Guida

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Guida presented the Board of Selectmen with a draft agreement for the Country Store property he recently purchased. Mr. Guida met with the Selectmen on August 23, 2005 asking for assurance that he would not loose the “footprint” of the buildings.  He stated he wanted to replace the buildings, but place them further back from the road.   After much discussion a Motion was made by Selectman Colbert to grant a request from Brandon Guida: Pursuant to Article IV of the Chichester Zoning Ordinances, the Board of Selectmen may approve an extension of discontinuance past the twelve (12) months allowed in the Ordinance.  The Board of Selectmen hereby grants the following extension to the owner of the property located at 257 Main Street of Chichester:

1.      The business known as Chichester Country Store shall have twenty four (24) months from this date to re-open, without being considered a discontinued use.
2.      The 800 square foot footprint of the two storage outbuildings (24’ 10” x 19’ and 17’3” x 19”) maybe removed for up to twenty four (24) months, without being considered a discontinued use.  When rebuilding, the owner may use any footprint equaling 800 square feet, so long as the new footprint is more than thirty-five (35) feet from the edge of the paved road, and shall meet all other zoning requirements.

The Motion was seconded by Chairman DeBold.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

SUBJECT: Mrs. Barbara Frangione

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mrs. Frangione met with the Selectmen regarding a tax relief for owners of historical barns.  She said that people who keep up their historic barns should get a tax relief.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Board had previously looked at and investigated the Barn Preservation Easement process.  After further review with two interested applicants it was clearly decided that the penalties associated with terminating or leaving the Barn Preservation is too severe and the two applicants did not pursue their request to have their barns in the Barn Preservation Easement and their decision was  not to pursue the adoption of the Barn Preservation Easement at this time.  Mrs. Frangione was provided with a copy of the RSA.  Chairman DeBold told her that a Warrant Article would need to be drafted and presented to the Town.  He asked her to think about it and get back to the Selectmen.  

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold presented to the Board the laboratory results from the Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) regarding the water test that was conducted at Carpenter Park.  The test results showed high levels of sodium and chloride.  Provided with the test results were fact sheets explaining what the numbers meant.  Chairman DeBold said that he spoke to Ms. Wendy Locke at the DES she suggested since the well was new the Town should have another water test done.  Chairman DeBold may have individual tests done for the sodium and chloride levels at Carpenter Park.

Chairman DeBold told the Board that he had contacted District 5 regarding the State’s portion of Horse Corner Road, specifically the drainage problems.  According to the correspondence written by Chairman DeBold to District 5 he states that the ditches along the roadway have filled in over the years with silts and sands and can no longer effectively carry runoff waters from a major rainfall.  Also mentioned in the correspondence was the Town’s concern for a large maple tree located on Canterbury Road.  The tree is extremely close to the travel way and in the winter the tree interferes with roadway maintenance.  

Selectman MacCleery told the Board he had received a call from Mr. Bruce Wilen regarding residents having their property in current use and posting their property.  Mr. Wilen asked Selectman MacCleery if a list of property owners who have their property in current use and are getting the recreation exemption could be included in the Town Report.  Patty told the Board that in the software system there was a way to “pull” a list.  Selectman MacCleery asked Patty if she could provide the list.

The Selectmen reviewed a written request from Police Chief Patrick Clarke.  Chief Clarke had requested cable franchise fees to purchase digital cameras for each police cruiser.  The total cost was $729.96.  The Selectmen had denied Chief Clarke’s request and suggested that he use the Police Office Equipment Capital Reserve which the Selectmen are agents of.

The Selectmen reviewed a letter from the Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) regarding Marsh Pond Dam.  As of this date the dam has not been registered with the DES.  In the letter, the DES is requiring the Town of Chichester either register the dam and repair/replace the dam or remove the dam.  The Board of Selectmen discussed in great length what should be done.  It was decided that a letter will be sent to the DES advising them that the Town will hire a professional engineer to design the removal of the dam.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the MS-1 and MS-4 reports.  These reports are sent to the Department of Revenue to have the property tax rate set.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from August 30, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold                         Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert